Korean Shamanism
Shamanic Deities in Korean Buddhism
Vintage Shaman Photos
Mudang in Performance
Talismans and Amulets
Mushindo - Shamanic Deities
Mugu - Shaman Implements
Sacred Trees and Stone Altars
Vintage Photos of Korean Shamans
Here is a collection of vintage photos of Korean shamans from the early 20th Century. Click on the image to enlarge to full size.
Male Shamans 박수무당 early 20th Century
Mudang Portrait (1930s)
Village Mudangs 조선의 무당사진 c. 1900
Mudang-gut Performance (1920)
Village Mudang Group, around 1920
Mudang Group (1930s)
Mudang with Fan and Bells (1930s)
Jeju Island Shinbang 제주도의 신방 1930s
Mudang with Fan (1930s)
Jeju-do village Mudang performance 무당 마당굿 놀이
Jeju-do Village Mudang Performance 무당 마당굿 놀이
Jinju Mudang-gut Performance 진주읍내의 어느 무속인 굿 모습(1913년)
Performance of community 굿 on Jeju Island for the safety and good luck of fishing boats (1920s)
Male Shaman 박수 무당
Performance of Hwanja-gut (환자굿) for healing, 1903
제주도바닷가에서굿을하는심방 Shimbang performing Gut by the sea in Jeju-do
관덕정 입춘굿놀이 Mudang Performing Spring Ceremony in front of Gwandeok-jeong, Jeju City 1920
관덕정 입춘굿놀이 Performance of Spring Ceremony in front of Gwandeok-jeong in Jeju City 1920